china tšepe

Lumela, tloo ho bona lihlahisoa tsa rona!

China Baowu Steel Group e sheba ho nyolla lik'hamphani tse thathamisitsoeng ho sehlopha ho ea ho tse 20 ho tloha ho tse 12 hajoale ka 2025 ha e ntse e tsoela pele ka ntlafatso ea beng ba eona, ho boletse molaoli e moholo oa sehlopha ka Labobeli.

Baowu o ile a khetha le ho phatlalatsa merero e 21 ea ho kenya letsoho ntlafatsong e tsoakaneng ea beng ka Labobeli Shanghai, e filoeng mosebetsi oa ho thusa ho fetola sehlopha hore e be moetapele oa indasteri ea tšepe lefatšeng ka bophara le ho kopanya tikoloho ea tšepe ea boleng bo holimo lilemong tse tlang.

“Phetoho e kopaneng ea beng ba matlo ke mohato oa pele.Likhoebo li tla tsoela pele ho batla tlhophiso ea lichelete esita le lethathamo la sechaba kamora ho phetheloa ha mohato ona, "ho boletse Lu Qiaoling, molaoli kakaretso oa lefapha la tšebetso ea motse-moholo oa China Baowu le setsi sa nts'etsopele ea lichelete tsa indasteri.

Lu o re palo ea lik'hamphani tse thathamisitsoeng tlas'a China Baowu e lebelletsoe ho nyoloha ho tloha ho tse 12 ho isa ho tse 20 nakong ea Leano la Lilemo tse hlano (2021-2025), mme lik'hamphani tsohle tse ncha tse thathamisitsoeng li tla hokahanngoa haufi-ufi le ketane ea indasteri ea ho se nke lehlakore. .

"Sepheo ke ho ba le chelete e fetang karolo e le 'ngoe ho tse tharo ea lekeno la China Baowu e hlahisoang ho tsoa liindastering tsa maano bofelong ba 2025 e le ho boloka tsoelo-pele ea nako e telele ea sehlopha," Lu o ile a eketsa.

Baowu o ile a feta seqhenqha sa ho etsa litšepe se thehiloeng Luxembourg, Arcelor Mittal, 'me ea e-ba moetsi oa tšepe o moholo ka ho fetesisa lefatšeng ka bophara ka 2020-e leng khoebo ea pele ea Chaena e etelletseng pele lethathamong la baetsi ba litšepe lefatšeng ka bophara.

Ts'ebetso ea Labobeli ea phetoho e kopaneng ea beng e ile ea tšoaroa ka kopanelo ke China Baowu le Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange.Ke ts'ebetso ea pele e ikhethileng ea Baowu ea ntlafatso ea beng ba matlo e phatlalalitsoeng ho latela leano la lilemo tse tharo la ntlafatso ea likhoebo tsa 'Muso oa China (2020-22).

"Li-yuan tse fetang libilione tse 2.5 molemong oa sechaba li kentsoe phetohong e tsoakaneng ea beng ho tloha ka 2013, e ntlafalitseng bokhoni ba naha ea naha," ho boletse Gao Zhiyu, ofisiri ea Khomishene ea Tsamaiso le Tsamaiso ea Thepa ea Naha.

Merero e 21 e khethiloe ka mor'a tlhahlobo e lekaneng, 'me e tsepamisitse maikutlo makaleng a fapaneng a amanang le indasteri ea tšepe, ho kenyeletsoa thepa e ncha, litšebeletso tse bohlale, lichelete tsa indasteri, mehloli ea tikoloho, litšebeletso tsa ketane ea phepelo, matla a hloekileng le lisebelisoa tse nchafatsoang.

Phetoho e tsoakiloeng ea beng ba matlo e ka etsoa ka mekhoa e fapaneng ea katoloso ea chelete, lichelete tse eketsehileng tsa tekano le linyehelo tsa pele tsa sechaba, ho boletse Zhu Yonghong, ralitaba e moholo oa China Baowu.

Ho na le tšepo ea hore lintlafatso tse tsoakaneng tsa beng ba mekhatlo ea Baowu li tla thusa ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea tšebelisano-mmoho ea lik'hamphani tsa 'Muso le likhoebo tsa poraefete, hammoho le kopanyo e tebileng ea motse-moholo oa 'Muso le chelete ea sechaba, ho boletse Zhu.

Ka tlhophiso ea beng, China Baowu e lebelletse ho sebelisa monyetla oa ho ntlafatsa indasteri har'a litlhoko tse ntseng li eketseha tsa tikoloho tse shebaneng le ketane ea indasteri ea tšepe, Lu o boletse.

Maiteko a Baowu a tsoakiloeng a ho ba beng a ka saloa morao ho tloha ka 2017 mabapi le sethala sa eona sa marang-rang sa khoebo sa tšepe sa Ouyeel Co Ltd, seo hajoale se batlang IPO.

Nako ea poso: Feb-28-2022